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In Retirement It's Health Not Just Wealth


The number one concern of older Americans is their health.  Financial concerns are not even close. If we have less we can spend less and still enjoy a hike in one of our beautiful national parks. If our health is failing how much money we have does not matter and it is fortunate we have television to watch all day.  Overall health in retirement is influenced by our actions when we are young.  Financial security in retirement is dependent on good financial habits, like putting a little aside each paycheck in retirement savings while we are working, and good health when we are older is dependent on good physical habits earlier in life.

We have recognized the importance in retirement of health as well as wealth in this year's PSCA 401(k) Day communication campaign “Make Wise Choices” (www.401(k)  For example, we say “Your health and your wealth go hand in hand — now and when you retire,” and we provide tips for making oneself healthy, wealthy and wise.
Workers are more committed to employers who they believe are committed to them.  Reminding employees to pay attention to their physical and financial health is a win-win solution.  When committed employees are financially and physically healthy, employers benefit from their higher level of energy on the job and fewer sick days. Financially and physically healthy employees have better lives when they're working and when they're retired too.